Thursday, October 27, 2016

Unabashedly Pro-American Ideal and Anti-Statist

The idea that is America, isn't dead, though it may look as though it's been through a couple of biker bar room brawls. The hope of being able to chart my own course, make the most of the talents I have, and make a living by bettering the life of others may not be unique to the American experience, but it has managed to weave it's way through the American mythos.

Having lived in both L.A., Portlandia minor, and Rhode Island I've seen first hand how much contempt is held for the folks who live in flyover country. Rednecks, white trash, Deplorables, call them what you will, I think more of those Deplorables just want to be left alone. If folks in Portland don't want to have plastic bags in their stores, so be it. If folks in L.A. want to mandate only Prius, Leafs, and Teslas be sold in their town, good for them. If folks in the North East want to disarm so that each and every large city eventually becomes a hybrid cross of Chicago and Detroit, knock yourselves out. Just don't think for a minute that the folks here in Flyover Country are going to go along any longer.

Contrary to popular opinion, we can read, and do so voraciously just of books different than the Cloud People on both coasts. We read Plato, Aristotle, Hemingway, Joyce, and Dumas believing that the classics still matter. We make things, we fix things, we change our own oil, and shoot our own food. If you don't we simply don't care, run your life, but understand we're done being micromanaged by do gooders who couldn't survive a week without chai tea and vegan restuarants.  

If you don't like guns, don't buy one, but until Chicago gets rid of gun violence, until San Francisco solves its homeless problems, until Flint figures out how to produce clean water, and until NYC can conquer rats don't think we'll listen when you tell us how to live. We've read Alinsky, and the more the Cloud People try to control us, the more we'll resist in ways you're powerless against. The Founders understood that the moment you lose the Consent of the Governed you have lost. We're closer to that point than any of the Cloud People can see, and more and more of us are withdrawing that consent each day.

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