Monday, April 18, 2016

Belted Galloways and Regenerative Agriculture

The Belted Galloway

Part of the homestead plan is to feed our family, along with that we hope to have an excess of meat to sell to help fund the Reds college. 

In 2014 we bought two young Belted Galloway heifers, in May 2015 I sold the donkeys and bought a cow/calf Dexter pair. I had read good things about both, and specifically good things about raising them both here in Texas. Nearly a year later the Galloways are proving to be the better fit for us. 

The Galloways did amazing on what was really scrub pasture the first year here. The superiority of the Galloways was very apparent after the Dexters joined the herd. The Galloways stayed fat and happy on the scrub whereas the Dexter struggled a bit. 

The other advantage, for me at least is the Galloways are naturally polled, meaning they are born without horns. Momma Dexter is a great mom, but when she gets excited about the feed bucket, that I've taught them all to follow, I get a bit nervous.

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