Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Paddock Shift Rangeland Management

So the paddock on the right had the cattle on it for 4 days, the paddock they're being moved onto on the left hasn't had any cattle on it for just over a month.

It's interesting to watch from one paddock to the next what the cows eat versus what they leave untouched.

The new 1.0 joule, 25 mile Zareba energizer has done a great job in teaching the cattle to stay off the fence. Our herd bull, who has figured out, to my chagrin, that he can pretty much walk through 5 strand barb wire doesn't want anything to do with the electric fence.

This paddock shift has a two fold purpose, first to rest the main pasture for a month going into fall and second to give the Belties and Arial as much good grass as we can before they start calving in October. I can't quantify it, but I expect the manure run off into the swales will also encourage the trees' growth. I'm hoping in the future as we free range the chickens they'll help with spreading the cow paddies.

We've seen a continued improvement of the grasses in the paddocks, and hope that continues on in the future. We'll probably run them through one last time in November, then let the ground rest until March.

I've attached a lot of pictures below of this paddock shift.

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