I think it's easy to get lost in all the high speed low drag things that are out there and forget that some of the simplest skills can make our lives much better.
How does polishing boots make your life better? Well your boots last longer, thus prolonging the time those two Benjamins you'll have to spend on a new pair of boots can stay in your wallet. You don't look like a homeless guy when you're wearing well polished boots. Your wife will appreciate you not being mistaken for the homeless when you're in public, that's another plus.
Don't be intimidated if you didn't have an angry Marine teach you how to properly polish boots (or dress shoes for that matter). You'll need some polish that's close to the color of your shoes, it doesn't have to be perfect, believe it or not it'll work itself out just fine. Get yourself a horsehair polish applicator brush, run in a circle clockwise and counter clockwise in your polish. Apply that polish to your shoes lightly, evenly in circles if you desire. Take your horsehair shine brush and brush it back and forth, up and down until it's shiny. Repeat polish application if all your leather isn't covered.
You can keep any pair of shoes looking respectable for decades.
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