Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

Flash Fried Beltie

If there is another job that makes you realize how little control you have, try homesteading. Outside of being donated to the Army in the middle of a war, it'll make you Thankful like few other occupations.

I'm Thankful for my Wife. I couldn't get half of what I get done without her. She's an amazing woman. She's kind. She understands me. She's beautiful. She loves being a teacher and works her booty off at it. She's a wonderful mom. I won the lottery when she chose me.

 I'm Thankful for rain after it's been dry. I'm Thankful after the thunderstorm has passed that I don't find Belted Galloways that have rode the lightning. I Thankful that all my cows' calves lived and seem to be thriving this year.

I'm Thankful that there wasn't a late frost this year and that we got to have a really good second year harvest.

I'm Thankful for a freezer full of FrankenChickens that turned out better than I could have ever have asked for.

I'm Thankful for the hogs that have been healthy and easy to raise.

I'm Thankful for wonderful eggs from the 2 chicken survivors of the roving gang of feral dogs

As I told my players every year, I'm Thankful for flush toilets. I'm Thankful for ice. I'm Thankful no one is trying to kill me on a daily basis.

I'm Thankful for this outlet, and the half dozen people in the world that actually read my tripe on a semi-regular basis. Thank you.

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