Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Never Let Facts Get In the Way of a Narrative

In a country as diverse as ours it is to be expected that some folks are treated better in some places and worse in others. Racism is an evil thing, as no man should be judged on anything but the content of his character. The National Review published an exhaustive list of police involved shootings for the month of December 2015 that can be found here. Race certainly doesn't seem to be an indicator of who'll be aerated by the boys in blue.

What no one wants to talk about is that our legal system is, and has been from its beginning, tilted in favor of the wealthier among us. Does race matter? Ask OJ. If you can afford 3 of the best defense lawyers in America, odds are you're going to receive a much different outcome than relying on a public defender. 

Should the criminals in America ever realize if they ever stopped, as a whole, accepting plea bargains the criminal justice system would grind to a halt in a matter of weeks. Thankfully, most career criminals are quite below average (10% give or take from what I could find on-line, take psychopaths out of the equation and it's probably more) in intelligence and so self absorbed they would never be willing to risk the extra jail time to destroy the system that incarcerates them.

One of the mantras of shooting instructors in America boils down to this: Don't be in stupid places, at stupid times, doing stupid things, with stupid people. Words to live or die by.

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