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As soon as people who don't own guns want me to give mine up and Pacifists stop offering opinions on war fighting. |
Non-aggression is one of the cornerstones of libertarianism/anarchism, so calling for state intervention in any form is something I do my best to avoid. Abortion, the way I see it anyhow, as a form of birth control is simply barbaric. Freedom of choice does not equate to freedom from responsibility.
The free market solution would involve private organizations offering cash for injectable Norprolac (for instance) birth control, waiting until a certain age to have your first child, and free/reduced cost permanent (vasectomy) options to give folks options other than abortion. The slippery slope is government involvement, and nefarious actors pursuing less than noble goals.
Do I think the state should be involved in any of this? No, I really don’t. We each have to be accountable for our own decisions and the repercussions of those decisions. Be it unprotected sex, or bacon to excess. A law stating slavery is legal, doesn’t it make it just, nor does a law banning segregation erase racism.
I’m not a religious man in my old age, but what little belief I still have guides me to think that we’ll each have to make an account of our actions. I won’t have to answer for anyone else’s actions (that I couldn’t have directly prevented – think duty to help a jumper on a bridge) and it’s not my place to judge/administer justice others for their past actions. It’s a lot lighter load walking around only trying to live my life, instead of trying to make those around me conform to my will as well.
Do I think the father should have input on the right of the mother to abort? Yes, if for no other reason than to act as counterbalance to offset the male automatically being on the hook for child support if she decides to carry the child to birth regardless of the father’s wishes. No one ever talks about this facet.
I find it morally reprehensible that folks who find abortion morally evil are forced, at the barrel of a gun, to support it in the form of Planned Parenthood. (For the record, I find it just as reprehensible as bureaucrats who won’t issue a piece of paper to a gay couple while citing religion.) I also concede the fact that the mother may really know that bringing a child into the world holds only suffering and misery for that child. All that hot mess said, abortion is currently legal, yet the pro-life crowd is so splintered that they can't craft a coherent message that as birth control you're killing a viable person, here are alternatives...
All of that aside, I find eugenics, and eugenicists for that matter, to be evil incarnate, so in the interest of disclosure it taints my perception of Planned Parenthood. To destroy human life based on ethnicity, gender, or lack of perfection is beyond my comprehension. When you look at the demographics of who Planned Parenthood serves, it’s hard to make the argument that Planned Parenthood isn’t still trying to limit the number of “undesirables” being born.
Trying to be coldly logical about it there is no difference in aborting a viable fetus at some arbitrary week, than there is in committing infanticide (think Spartans here) for finding a post birth defect or inconvenience of another mouth to feed. Regardless of the reason, the resulting death is the same. Putting a pair of scissors through a brain stem in the first trimester or 40th trimester (shameless South Park reference) is the same action and result regardless of the individual justification.
I love my Catholic and Mormon friends who look at birth control as murder, but in my old age I think that contraceptive education and communicating to our children the wisdom and reward of waiting until marriage for sex should go hand in hand. I also don’t understand why sex is dirty if you’re not married, but suddenly fantastically awesome if you’re married… I’ve had Mormon dude friends that were orges to their wife talk about the bedroom and just been embarrassed for them versus my hippie friends who’re great partners lacking a piece of paper. I’d much rather my kids have the latter than the former. I also see a failure of people of faith to offer redemption, love, and care of ladies who have an unplanned pregnancy. The shaming of pregnant unwed mothers in most mainstream churches has to contribute to at least a few abortions each year…
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